Treating Seniors with Cranial/Structural Core Distortion Releases
Before discussing the reasons for treating seniors with Cranial/Structural core distortion releases, there are special considerations that are necessary when working with older clients. If you haven’t taken advanced training in working with seniors then you need to brush up on your pathology and medical contraindications. Often medical treatments administered by physicians can result in contraindications for massage.
The Cranial Connection to Headaches — The Perfect Fit!
If you are a massage therapist who treats clients with headaches, but are not including the cranium in your treatment, you are missing a significant cause of your clients’ headaches and may not be able to achieve long term resolution.
An Alternative to Knee Surgeries
It is interesting to note that almost any knee that has had even minor injuries will have deposits in the knee joint or other conditions which can be very successfully treated without surgery. Massage therapists who do advanced structural work are usually well trained to observe and treat the imbalances in the knee joint in relation to the whole leg and body structure, as well as the muscular conditions that cause the painful symptoms.
A Different Perspective
Case Study: Jack, a 73-year old, was referred for treatment. His intake and health history form showed that he was facing some serious problems. He wanted to enjoy his retirement, to be able to travel, and to enjoy doing things with his wife. I’ve included a list of Jack’s health challenges and the medical interventions that he has endured in his lifetime. We will then look at all of these conditions with a different perspective that could have changed the whole course of his life.