Rapid Relief: Quick Release Technique
I began looking at some of the acupressure points and associated meridians and discovered a referral pattern that involved the neck, cranium and low back. Further research into specific trigger points that had pain referral zones related to the musculature of the head, neck and shoulders brought this referral pattern into greater focus. The most effective trigger points for releasing the muscles and tension in the neck and shoulder were also some of the more powerful acupressure points.
Beyond the Box: The Evolution of Structural Energetic Therapy
The process of modifying and integrating a number of highly effective soft tissue therapies to address the basic cause of structural imbalances and body pain led to the birth of Structural Energetic Therapy® (SET) in the late ‘70’s. Then, with the integration of NICS Craniostructural Integration techniques in the ‘80’s, the present form of SET evolved.