Born in Mount Vernon, New York in 1950, my life has been a veritable roller coaster ride including the education field of Special Education in public schools, psychiatric facilities, and the Florida State Prison System.
Having worked at the Structural Energetic Therapy Center for over thirteen years, I have treated people, horses, dogs, cats, birds, and Muscove ducks. This list also included a healing session on a turkey vulture which had been hit by a car in the middle of Highway 41. I am a certified SET Therapist and am also certified as a Quantum Touch Therapist. As a light worker, I use energy to heal people and animals both hands-on and from a distance.
My hobbies are comprised of a diverse field which includes military miniatures, private pilot, and magic. Being a member of good standing in the International Brotherhood of Magicians, once I have made my client’s pain vanish, I treat them to a magic trick that brightens their day. This is how my sessions end, sending them home with a smile on their faces.