Expanding your View for Treating Athletes

When young athletes are limited by the collapses and strains found in the body before the core distortion (structural spiral) is released, they are handicapped from the start. In my work I use kinesiology to evaluate muscle strength and function related to the core distortion.  What has become obvious is that there is a 40% – 60% loss of strength and function of at least 1/3 of the major muscle groups in every young athlete when they start their athletic career.

Now is the Time to Learn Successful Treatment of Back Pain

Finally – the benefits of massage therapy for back pain relief is recognized publicly!  Recent research that has been made public on the treatment of back pain has listed massage therapy as one of the most important and effective options for treatment   However, it was very obvious in the description of the therapy that the techniques applied were not Swedish or your typical relaxation massage, but very precise therapeutic protocols.

Treating Seniors with Cranial/Structural Core Distortion Releases

Before discussing the reasons for treating seniors with Cranial/Structural core distortion releases, there are special considerations that are necessary when working with older clients.  If you haven’t taken advanced training in working with seniors then you need to brush up on your pathology and medical contraindications.  Often medical treatments administered by physicians can result in contraindications for massage.

Rapid Relief: Quick Release Technique

I began looking at some of the acupressure points and associated meridians and discovered a referral pattern that involved the neck, cranium and low back.  Further research into specific trigger points that had pain referral zones related to the musculature of the head, neck and shoulders brought this referral pattern into greater focus. The most effective trigger points for releasing the muscles and tension in the neck and shoulder were also some of the more powerful acupressure points.

Improved Brain Function for the Elderly with Cranial Structural Therapy

Osteopaths discovered the effectiveness of manual cranial therapy for medical applications in the early 1900’s.  They used light pressure on the cranium to evaluate the cranial motion encouraging it back into its normal ranges of motion to reduce congestion and release the restrictions in its normal range of motion. 

Successfully Treating Hip Degeneration

Jim, a 63 year old heavy equipment operator, is referred for treatment with severe pain in his right hip which the doctor said is from hip degeneration due to arthritis.  The x-rays show a thinning of the cartilage and calcium deposits causing a malformation of the hip socket.  The orthopedic surgeon told him when the pain was severe enough to come back for a total hip replacement and put him on pain medication. The pain that was radiating down his leg was along the sciatic nerve pathway.

Integrating Cranial Techniques and Massage

A perfect marriage:  Two distinct techniques that restore homeostasis can only enhance each other when integrated into one treatment.  The massage therapist who can apply effective massage techniques along with effective cranial techniques has a combination of the most effective tools that a massage therapist can have. 

The Cranial Connection to Headaches — The Perfect Fit!

If you are a massage therapist who treats clients with headaches, but are not including the cranium in your treatment, you are missing a significant cause of your clients’ headaches and may not be able to achieve long term resolution. 

Effective, Non-Invasive, Treatment for Concussions

Today there is a great deal of attention in the media and in athletics in general focusing on concussions.  Many athletes are sustaining multiple concussions and are consequently losing major parts of their seasons as well as having major challenges in their lives while recovering.  Unfortunately, for many this recovery is incomplete resulting in a loss of focus and concentration, which is often followed in later years with major loss of mental function.

An Alternative to Knee Surgeries

It is interesting to note that almost any knee that has had even minor injuries will have deposits in the knee joint or other conditions which can be very successfully treated without surgery. Massage therapists who do advanced structural work are usually well trained to observe and treat the imbalances in the knee joint in relation to the whole leg and body structure, as well as the muscular conditions that cause the painful symptoms.